It’s Thor’s day today because it is Thursday and that’s what it is named after. Wednesday is Woden’s day or ...

It’s Thor’s day today because it is Thursday and that’s what it is named after. Wednesday is Woden’s day or ...
A lot of old people play golf and this got me wondering. Is golf just filling in time until you ...
Sometimes, I wonder whether golfers are the most boring bunch of old farts on the planet? But most times, I ...
I have a confession to make. It is rather an uncharacteristic sequence of events. A story not in keeping with ...
When I first thought about the Church of Golf it was done with a sense of humour. However, in all ...
Probably the greatest challenge faced by the golf industry in the 2020’s is the need for generational change. New blood ...
The standard of the TV coverage of the Australian PGA Championship was dire in 2023. Please rein in Warren Smith ...
He stuffed the last greasy mouthful of double beef burger into his mouth. Juggling its packaging in one paw and ...
o, you have been playing golf for a while. Indeed, you are a member of a golf club. A real ...
It may sound sacrilegious to suggest this, but – would golf be better off with 12 holes? Stick with me ...