GolfDom Golf Diet & Health

Golf Diet & Health

The perfect golf diet? Play the least number of shots on every hole. Consume fewer double bogies than your opponent. Restrict your golfing diet to avian choices, preferably eagles and birdies over turkeys. Seriously though folks a good diet will enhance your abilities out on the course. Why do you think the modern generation of golfers work out and wear those white belts? Golf diet and health are essential components when waging war on your handicap and stroke scores on-course. There are less John Daly’s finding success on the PGA tour than ever before.

Fat Guys & Gals Enjoying Themselves on the Golf Course

Now, I have nothing against fat guys and gals enjoying themselves on the golf course. I want to see more people of all shapes and sizes playing golf around the world. GolfDom is about good times in the green cathedral. Not everyone is cut out to wear slacks and shorts with those white belts and look good doing so. Some of us have more mass than others. Some of us are built for comfort over performance. Golf diet and health is unique to each one of us and should be optimised on that basis. You want to be able to get around the golf course on your own two feet if possible and be able to swing to the best of your ability.

Golfing Diet & Health Tips

  • Drink plenty of pure water on-course. Stay hydrated prior, during, and after a round of golf or practice session on the range.
  • Eat minimally during a competitive round. Things like bananas, nuts, trail mix, & beef jerky are good because they provide blood sugar hits without the need for heavy digestion energy depressant periods.
  • Avoid fast foods like burgers, pies, and fried foods because these are full of unnecessary fats and stuff you want to minimise for peak performance golf.
  • Avoid consuming sugary drinks like soda and excessive amounts of sports drinks, as they condemn you to a cycle of highs and crashing lows. Remaining calm and balanced on the course is the key to a sustained performance.
  • Smoking cigarettes is a bad habit for your health full stop. Some golfers depend upon the nicotine hit for their concentration but best to break this habit once and for all.
  • Alcohol on the course is associated with this idea of having a good time and not being at work for many golfers. Chemically alcohol over 4 hours does not support performing at your best, as it provides a false sense of optimism for a while until things get tough and then makes things much worse.
  • Addictions and your golf. Smoking and drinking alcohol are addictive pursuits, and they can become intrinsically associated with your golf game if left to run rampant. There are some golfers who feel unable to perform at their best without the assistance of these substances. Ultimately, these feelings are illusory but habits, as we know, can be hard to break.
  • Exercise on the course is an important part of the game, in my view, however, some players try to minimise this aspect of the game via vehicular assistance. If you can walk, my advice is to do it and to build up your fitness via regular walking during your round. Golf is far more enjoyable when played at the natural walking rhythm and it can help with your swing tempo too.
  • Exercise prior to a round via a warm-up can be of assistance to a golfer, as well as in the prevention of injuries. Check out some exercise ideas online.
  • Maintaining a general level of fitness is important to playing your best golf. If you are unable to play a round of golf without feeling overly tired, you should work on improving your fitness outside of golf. Drinking lots of water (a couple of litres a day) and having your heart pump blood around your body via exercise is an integral part of good health. Thinking about stuff whilst sitting on your backside in the car, on the couch, behind a desk, and at the dinner table is not a healthy activity. Walk, stretch, swing your arms, bend, and exercise your physical body whenever possible within your parameters. Don’t over do things too quickly, as it is better to build up slowly your levels of fitness over time. Sustained commitment rather than a kneejerk reaction is the go.
  • Eat more fruit and vegetables than processed foods in your diet. Lean meats, legumes, grains, and high fibre foods, rather than carbohydrates, fats, and sugary foods. Learn to cook healthy dishes, if you cannot already do so. Take pride in your ability to feed yourself well and not depend upon others all the time.

Golf, if you love the game, is best played by a fit and healthy body. It is a sad irony that we get to play golf more often in our retirement and our physical decline. Don’t accelerate this process unnecessarily by poor dietary choices. The end of our ability to play golf will come sooner that we think. I know, I play with octogenarians every week and listen to their odes to their former games. I am inspired by these brave souls but also see the writing on the wall. Remember to take the time to smell the flowers, as you walk down the fairways of your life.


Photo by Lo Sarno on Unsplash