We were all beginners at one time or another. Golf for the beginner can be a tough ask. I was ...
Month: January 2022

The Golf Book Hits the StandsThe Golf Book Hits the Stands
This is a book about golf and in particular why the game of golf is so special. It is a ...

Tug Dudley’s Secrets of GolfTug Dudley’s Secrets of Golf
Following our recent interview with golf legend Tug Dudley GolfDom has poured through the archives in search of Tug Dudley’s ...

Kelly Slater & Adam Scott on Surfing & GolfKelly Slater & Adam Scott on Surfing & Golf
Kelly Slater, surfing champion par excellence, finds parallels between surfing and golf. Watching a cool video of Slater and Adam ...
Interview: Tug Dudley Talks GolfInterview: Tug Dudley Talks Golf
GolfDom playing editor Scotty X talks golf with well known golfer Tug Dudley. A veteran of a lifetime of golf ...

Why Golfers Don’t Wear Kilts in the Scottish GameWhy Golfers Don’t Wear Kilts in the Scottish Game
You would think that golf, being born of Caledonian heritage, its players would have traditionally sported the kilt and sporran. ...
Cameron Smith is a Champion of ChampionsCameron Smith is a Champion of Champions
Standing on the first tee in a four-ball containing the oldest member I heard a story about Cameron Smith the ...

The Uneven Bunker Buffet at My CourseThe Uneven Bunker Buffet at My Course
A round of golf presents players with a variety of challenges to overcome if they are to post a winning ...

The Golfing GodsThe Golfing Gods
We live in a scientific age, where everything is measured and recorded digitally. The idea that there might exist such ...