GolfDom stands for Golf Dominion, where golf rules the roost. I have pondered over the idea of making golf compulsory for the benefit of humanity, but it would make getting a tee time hellish. The dominion of golf would see a vast improvement in the physical health of its inhabitants because walking the course would be de riguour. The invention of motorised golf carts is an ugly stain upon a beautiful game, in this scribe’s view. Of course it makes the game of golf possible for the elderly and lame, but they are also well used by the lazy and the profane. GolfDom: What’s it all about? The love of this great game. #golfdom #golfers #golf

The Game of Golf & GolfDom
I typed into Google “great people who loved the game of golf” What did I get back? A list of so-called celebrities who attend pro-ams. This is what is wrong with the world. American crap everywhere. At the top of the list was Alice Cooper who was described thus (I kid you not) “Cooper is an alcoholic who also developed a drug problem.” Is this an example of two cultures colliding, the staid uptight golf world trying to get its judgemental handle on a trashy rock star from the 1980s? I suppose it does tell us that golf can cross all divides. It has, however, primarily been a white middle class suburban pursuit.

Popular Culture: GolfDom Reveals the Truth
I was thinking about really great people like scientists, world leaders, and the like. I know that an awful lot of American presidents have been enamoured of the game. I don’t, however, hold them in high regard, not since Trump polluted the office. In fact, politicians give golf a bad name. Have you ever noticed that the villains in movies often meet on the golf course? It seems that in popular culture golf is associated with privilege and dodgy activities. GolfDom would ban the wealthy and powerful from playing too much golf in high profile circumstances. Let them discover another game.
Golf has become more of a people’s game since the advent of Tiger Woods. Someone of colour playing the game once reserved for the white elite and dominating that game to boot has changed the spots on the beast. Tiger made golf more sporty and athletic. It was cool to crack a long drive going all out. Golfers looked fit and worked out. Perhaps that has dumbed down golf to some extent. Big muscles don’t always equate with big brains. Golf is strategically demanding, however, and asks more of a player than mere brawn.
GolfDom: What’s it all about? Getting under the skin of golf and golfers to reveal another side of this great game. Lifting the bonnet on the golf autobus to see what makes it tick. It’s more than the sticks and balls we play with. It’s more than the circus they call the PGA tour. It’s grass and wind and first tee nerves. It’s the magical ambience inside what I call the green cathedral. GolfDom is about getting to know the other side of golf.