GolfDom Culture,History,News,The Mental Side Written On A Thursday: Thor’s Hammer

Written On A Thursday: Thor’s Hammer

Golfer silhouette clipart, sport illustration

It’s Thor’s day today because it is Thursday and that’s what it is named after. Wednesday is Woden’s day or Odin’s day. Friday is Frigg’s day. All of the days of the week are named after Norse Gods. These were the Old Gods for Anglo Saxons and Danes before Christianity was on the scene. It is a timely reminder of our heritage if you are from this ancestry. Written on a Thursday: Thor’s hammer. Thor was famously the God of Thunder and had his hammer. Odin was the one eyed father of the gods represented by the raven. These pagan mythologies date back thousands of years. Yggdrasil is the world tree and sits at the heart of the Norse foundational story.

Free close-up of golf club

Thor’s Hammer & The Golf Driver

Could Thor’s hammer be an equivalent of the golf club? Romantic balderdash I hear a few say, but bear with me please. The satisfying crack of a well struck drive down the fairway can invoke such fanciful analogies. I mean the golf swing needs some high falutin heroic friends, in my view. Hells bells we are living in the age of Trump 2.0, the biggest golf cheat and liar surmounting the world stage, folk can just make shit up like Trump does.

Shake Down The Thunder Off The Tee

Written on a Thursday: Thor’s hammer smashing a big drive down the fairway. Yeah, I’d like to see that. Getting off to a real good start is pretty important in a round of golf on each hole. You don’t want to be in the trees of the tee. The idea that your driver has special powers capable of launching a golf ball vast distances is a good thought to have. Drawing upon your super powers just prior and during the golf swing off the tee is the way to go, in my book. Go Thor, shake down the thunder from the sky, but leave off the rain, thanks buddy.

Friday Golf? Watch Out!

Tomorrow is Friday, Frigg’s day, which is a popular day for golf with working folk wrangling a round in after lunch.

“Frigg is the Queen of Asgard and the highest of the goddesses. Her home is called Fensalir, which means “hall of the marshlands”. She is married to Odin and her father is called Fjorgynn. She is the goddess of motherhood and is herself the mother of Balder, Hodor and Hermod.”

Maybe, the message here is don’t blow it with your nearest and dearest by playing too much golf without acknowledging their importance in your life. Otherwise, she might just cut your balls off.

