When the floodgates open and the skies send forth a deluge it is not ideal weather for playing golf. In fact, in many instances golf courses are closed for play due to water damage. Those of us who live for the white ball game can find themselves locked out from the green cathedral, whilst it recovers from the soaking. Twiddling one’s thumbs at home can be frustrating when the spirit longs to stride the fairways. There are sometimes opportunities to volunteer to help the course recover if you are a member of a golf club. This is a good thing to do when wet weather woes wash out golf.
No Golf Due to Wet Weather Get A Book
Lockdowns and enforced times at home can, also, be a great time to relax and rest those weary bones. Perhaps, curl up on the couch with a good book and allow yourself to be transported to another time and place. Books have that power to help you visit new horizons within the comfort of your home. What about a brilliant golf book? If you cannot get out to actually play you can still immerse yourself in the game you love. Sometimes this can be an enlightening experience. An opportunity to look at different parts of the game of golf through different lenses.
Rainy Day Reading About Great Golfers
Walk in the footsteps of Ben Hogan or Bobby Jones!
The Golf Book: Green Cathedral Dreams
You could walk in the footsteps of Ben Hogan or Bobby Jones. Perhaps, visit the Scottish realm of Old Tom Morris? Golf has touched the lives of so many incredible human beings. Golfers like Babe Zaharias and Karrie Webb. Or Tom Watson or Arnold Palmer. These are people who changed the great game of golf. The mighty Jack Nicklaus or Tiger Woods. There are books about these supreme individuals and books touching on their lives at important moments. Discover heroes new and old to inspire your own journey in golf.
It may be damp outside, and the skies might indeed be grey, but inside your spirit house things can be white hot. The wonderful thing about being human is that we have the ability to dream. I call the golf course the green cathedral and we all dream of shooting the lights out with sublime golf. Dreams inspire our kids to go onto achieve great things in life. We all need to keep in touch with our dreams whatever our age and time of life. A lot of us older golfers can occasionally grasp glory on the golf course in club competition with a victory. These rare moments can keep us going through the long barren months. A good book can recharge your inspiration batteries, especially when wet weather woes wash out golf.
Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of The Golf Book: Green Cathedral Dreams