“My greatest moment in golf was on holiday in Iceland because I went back to see family. I was playing Geysir Golf Course and was on the par 3 Litli Geysir. It was about 160m to the flag. I could see the famed geysers off in the distance, steaming like an ice giant with bad breath on a winter’s day. I struck my 5 iron crisply and watched the ball rise in the air heading toward the green. It was a well struck shot. The hope was making party in my chest. I watched the ball strike the green and roll forward. It rolled and suddenly disappeared into the hole. I had never had the ace before. It was the most special moment for me. It was furðulegur!” By Torv Jensen
Understanding the Brilliant Moments in Golf
Thanks to Torv for sending in his Icelandic hole-in-one saga – it really captured the excitement of that great golfing moment. I have had a couple of aces myself and there is always an unbelievable ‘did that really happen’ quality to achieving this rare feat. Nobody who doesn’t play golf can understand what a special feeling a hole-in-one is. The slim chances of acing a hole are up there with winning the lottery and falling in love with your future life partner.
Why Golf Can Deliver These Top Shelf Times

Golf is a great game, as we well know, and the confluence of course and player can come together in rare moments of harmony to produce outstanding results every now and then. The eagle on a par 4 or 5 is another truly time stopping moment out on the course. This incredible achievement can occur in a number of different ways. It may involve the good fortune of a great full shot going in the hole from a considerable distance out. Equally it may involve a chip-in or long putt finding the cup. Eagles are some of my own greatest moments in golf and I fondly remember them.

Sometimes you have to stop and ask yourself, “did that really happen?” I am sure Torv must have pinched himself a few times after his golf ball found the cup from a 160m. GolfDom congratulates Torv on his greatest moment in golf and for sharing his story with us. He receives a copy of The Golf Book: Green Cathedral Dreams by Robert Sudha Hamilton.