Imagine if everyone in the world played golf. Yes, we would need a lot more golf courses. However, as this is just imagining let’s say that is taken care of. If everyone was working on improving their handicap and getting better at the game the place would be an altogether different kettle of fish. Let us say that the majority of folks walked the course. This would make all of us a whole lot healthier, both physically and mentally. Less sitting around on fat bums and more exercise in the great outdoors. Human beings would be, dare I say, happier within themselves from taking those several hours a week to breathe fresh air and swing. #playgolf #worldgolf #golfers #happyhumans

If We All Played Golf The World Would Be Healthier
If all of us played golf regularly, as in once or twice a week, the spend on health around the globe would plummet. We would not need to prescribe all these medications and perform all those expensive surgeries if everyone exercised every week or every day. As golfers we are always working on our swings. Moving and rotating to find the right tempo and sequenced set of physical actions.
Our monkey body’s’ need to keep swinging, remember that we are descendants of apes! Stretching to stay limber through our rounds makes us able to perform at the level necessary.
Robert Sudha Hamilton
Golf is gentle exercise but involves sustained output over half a day of activity out on the golf course. If you are playing golf for four plus hours you are not sitting around and eating. This in itself is a big improvement for many. Why do you think so many jockeys play a lot of golf? To keep the weight off of course.
Golf Gives Meaning Where Formerly Purpose Was Lacking
The game of golf provides purpose in a world where purpose is often hidden or difficult to access. The rules of golf are set in stone and the lines are clearly defined. The game has an etiquette which allows it to flow without contention between participants. There is a score card that determines how you measure up in terms of birdies, pars, and bogies. You have 18 holes to do your best somehow.
The game of golf can give direction and meaning to many lost souls currently going around in an aimless fashion. The mission is a personal one largely between you and the golf course.
The challenge is all yours to improve your swing, strategic thinking, and decision making. Golf provides a framework within which you can improve your fitness, mental clarity, and understanding of your own biomechanics.

Some say golf is a meditation for them. That they find peace and a purpose in life via the game. Those four hours plus can take an individual away from the problems and complexities of modern life and give them a clear task to fulfill. You know, Zen and the art of ………. stuff. The inner game of golf. Green cathedral dreams. Golf places you in a context where you can challenge yourself to perform tasks like putting and chipping to the best of your ability. Focus is required both mental and physical. Intense short term concentration whilst you stand over that shot or putt. The multitude of different strokes required during a round of golf means we must be agile and flexible in each unique circumstance.
Golf is a great test of our resolve. A healthy dose of stoicism is demanded by the vicissitudes of the game. Meeting triumph and disaster as the impostors they are – getting on and completing the whole round.

Yes, golf can cleanse the mind, body, and soul. Regular bouts of the small ball game can provide stimulation and relief from the morass of modern life. It can energise your will to stand up under strain and empower you to meet challenges in the real world. Finding fortitude on the golf course can rub off in other parts of your life.
It is important to remember that golf is NOT the few individuals squabbling over vast sums of money in the current LIV vs PGA battle. This is about greed and power – IT IS NOT ABOUT GOLF! The soul of golf is not located in the professional ranks of the game, as so many golfers wrongly believe. It is firmly inside each and every humble golfer on the planet and their love of the game. Do not confuse money and power with the essence of golf itself. All this current palava will do is damage the image of the game of golf worldwide, especially in the eyes of the many non-golfers watching on.
Imagine if everyone in the world played golf, there would be less negativity around you at work and at home.
There would be less war, I reckon, as those very human competitive juices could be played out on the golf course. People would be healthier and happier.
Folks would be fitter and more in tune with nature. Individuals would be less stuck in their heads and living more in their bodies for a fuller life experience. The rules of golf are crystal clear, which offers more opportunities for better behaviour across the board. Golf is not a game of perfect, which helps us realise our own fallibility. In golf you have to learn to laugh at yourself, as the game can bring you to your knees (quite literally sometimes). Navigating a small, dimpled ball around a vast arena of sculpted nature presents plenty of opportunities for mishits and geographically impossible outcomes. In golf you have to suck it up and smile in the face of adversity. The game teaches humility! It’s a great game to play!
Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of How To Play Golf: Like A Winner & The Golf Book: Green Cathedral Dreams