GolfDom Review The Club in My Bag Kicking Goals: Ping G410 3 Fairway

The Club in My Bag Kicking Goals: Ping G410 3 Fairway

In this series golfers share their good news stories about a particular club in their bag doing the business out on-course. In my own golf game, it is my Ping G410 3 Fairway metal/wood whatever you call it. This club has turned my weakest link into a solid game changer. I struggled for years to make consistent contact with the 3 wood and could put myself into serious trouble with this club. Hitting it off the deck was the dodgiest shot in my bag of tricks out on the golf course. How many times did I slice or pull a 3 wood out of bounds or into a hazard during a competitive round of golf? It was a score killer hiding under its hood and waiting for this unsuspecting schmuck to pull it out.

The Ping G410 3 Fairway Club is a Game Changer

The Ping G410 3 wood sits real low on the grass, and is the easiest fairway metal to launch that I have ever come across. It launches my golf ball vast distances down the fairway, often going further than my driver. This is the club in my bag kicking goals, especially on those par 5s. Currently I have a regular shaft but as I am using a stiff orange Tensei shaft in my new Ping G425 Max driver I might change it to align with my driver. I tried the new G425 3 Fairway but didn’t like it as much, as the head shapes are quite different.

Effortlessly Hit High Shots Vast Distances

I have the SFT model, which according to Martin Hopley’s review in has a slightly larger 188cc head and weight at the back to promote a draw bias. This golf club is great from the rough, sand, and the fairway. It is effortlessly easy to hit high shots with less spin for 230m+ results. Golf is definitely more enjoyable with this baby in your bag. I am not as consistently successful with it off the tee as I am off the deck, which relates to the shallower face and my inconsistent swing. Teeing it up very low is the solution but I can get too steep with my angle of attack for a very bad result.

I remember back in my hopeless 3 wood days listening to a golf teacher recommending to players to not use their 3 woods as a strategy for achieving better scores on the golf course. I could relate to that sentiment at the time but not anymore. I love par 5s these days – me and my 3 wood.


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