GolfDom Swing Tips Sage Advice from The Greatest Golfers of All Time

Sage Advice from The Greatest Golfers of All Time

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There are words one remembers and tips that stay with you through your golfing life derived from the morass of information available. Some stuff sticks and proves to be useful. Golf is largely about execution for the weekend hacker and sage advice from the greatest golfers of all time can, on occasion, be helpful. Gary Player not only had a great name for a golfer, he was, also, a remarkable champion. The one thing that stuck in my craw circa Gary Player was his imperative to never sit-down during a round of golf. He considered it to be bad for your body and mindset during a competitive round. This may come as bad news to all those golfers who drive around in golf buggies, but Gary was a fitness fanatic after all.

Tips & Messages from Golf’s Greats

Here are some more tips and messages from a few of the greatest golfers of all time. Lee Trevino recommended that you always carry a rubber snake at important tournaments, just in case. Seve Ballesteros was a big fan of internal car parks at major championships. Tiger Woods regrets taking off the fake beard and dark glasses when romping with bar girls. Sir Nick Faldo wishes that he had been nicer to those chaps in the press during his playing career. Greg Norman is unsure about whose grave he stepped on to lose so many majors in such incredibly unlucky circumstances. John Daly wants to return the Santa Claus outfit but can’t remember who lent it to him in the first place. Hideki Matsuyama wants to thank the Japanese media for staying away from the Masters in 2021.

Ben’s Elbows, Left & Right Brains

Ben Hogan with the assistance of Herbert Warren Wind inferred that it was the position of a golfer’s elbows that were the secret at the heart of his success. Long John Daly said, “Just grip it and rip it”, which was perfect advice for the seriously inebriated. Harvey Penick told us all to “take dead aim”, which might have been better advice at the Alamo. Recently I have been listening to a hypnotist exhorting me to take deep breaths and colourise my left and right brains. Golfers will go to any lengths to improve their game and scores. Listening to the sage advice from some of the game’s greats is an obvious source of enlightenment for many.

Listen To Your Own Experience & Wisdom

In actual fact developing your own core tips and protocols is a better idea than borrowing someone else’s. Learning from your experience will enhance your golfing game in the long run. If you consider that of the eighty to one hundred or so shots, you might play during a round of golf a goodly portion of them will fail to hit the mark – golf is a learning game. Rather than berating yourself for your failures, learn from them and store the knowledge for future use. Every challenge in the great game of golf is an opportunity to not only succeed or fail but to learn. Some golfers write them down – their learnings. Remembering key insights into swing and outcomes can be harder for some than others, especially after a bad round and a few self-medicating beverages.


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