Songs For Golf

woman wearing tank top touching glass panel

Have you ever hummed a few tunes whilst playing golf? I have found that it can help with maintaining a good swing tempo throughout the round. There is music in them moves necessary to play golf, you just have to find it. Of course, a lot of popular tunes come with lyrics and this is where the fun starts. If you begin thinking about applicable words that match with your golfing a whole universe of possibilities opens up. So, here are a few of my favourites to keep the topic humming along. Songs for golf and words worth swinging along to on any given Saturday, Sunday, and golf day ending in ‘y’.

Lyrics To Love Swinging Along To

‘Hit me with your rhythm stick is one of my most loved lyrical statements applicable to golf. A great song from a great time in pop culture and a perfect description of the golf club. Now, it may pertain more to having sex in the original meaning of the song, but as many of us know golf can take over as we get older in terms of more frequently used tools in life’s arsenal.

Ian Dury was a great performer and someone with a disability – proving that it takes all sorts and that no one should be judged on that basis as wanting.

Words Worth Humming When Golfing

‘Hit me with your best shot’ is another in a similar vein, which I love to remind myself of before an important shot out on the golf course. Pat Benatar had the hit song and stopped performing it because of the mass shootings in America. It was written by Eddie Schwartz, who claimed it was inspired by a pillow punching therapy session.

'Why men leave home' by Avery
‘Why men leave home’ by Avery by Library of Congress is licensed under CC-CC0 1.0

Beat The Boring Bits With A Golf Song

Yes, golf can go on for nearly 5 hours and I reckon I get a bit bored at times out there. Not being a naturally robotic character I can struggle to maintain concentration over the distance. I would posit that I am not alone in this state of affairs. We love the game of golf but it can wear out its welcome for periods during the round. Whistling or humming a tune with a memorable lyric can help maintain the rage.

Never underestimate the musicality inherent in the golf swing. Tuning it to a bit of a chorus line can turbo charge your tempo and rhythm to keep you going for all 18 holes.

selective focus photography of person holding golf ball
Photo by Jopwell on

Actual Golf Songs, Really?

Now, there are a few actual golf songs like Bing Crosby’s “Straight Down The Middle”, which is well worth listening to. Bing had a great sense of rhythm and timing, which must have helped his golf game. There are some who claim that Tom Jones’ “Green, Green Grass Of Home” has as a title link to golf but I don’t know about that. Wales is pretty green per se, because it rains all the time. Jimmy Buffett has penned “Tin Cup Chalice”, which is another stretch to believe that the tin cup is actually about golf.

John Denver has “18 Holes” and there is no doubt that this ditty is about golf. However, personally I won’t be humming this whilst golfing – an execrable tune!

Four women on a golf - songs for golf
Four women on a golf by Rijksmuseum is licensed under CC-CC0 1.0

One of the greatest golf songs is Loudon Wainwright III’s “The Back Nine”, the lyrics of which I included in my first book – The Golf Book: Green Cathedral Dreams. This is musically a fine effort and lyrically poignant, as much of Loudon’s stuff always is.

The song captures the intergenerational nature of golfing as a pastime between fathers and sons, plus the peccadillos of the game itself. Aren’t we all – ‘way over par’? Modern poetry for golf backed by some cool sounds.

What are some of your favourite songs to sing along to or just hum out on the golf course? Have you twigged to the fact that when you do this, you, often, swing better and play good golf?

Wisdom from The Stoic Golfer: Finding Inner Peace & Focus on the Fairway by Robert Sudha Hamilton

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