I watched a video about the mystery of putting the other day. In this presentation, the golf guy listed all ...

I watched a video about the mystery of putting the other day. In this presentation, the golf guy listed all ...
It’s Thor’s day today because it is Thursday and that’s what it is named after. Wednesday is Woden’s day or ...
This week, I returned to my golf club and played 9 holes for the first time in more than 3 ...
The Saudi’s are purposely reducing oil production to drive prices up at the bowser. Of course, the Saudi’s are the ...
Everybody know that Donald Trump is a compulsive liar, even his supporters know that. That Republicans are nominating Trump to ...
Hands up who has had embarrassing moments out on the course during a round of golf. Thank you, as expected ...
I suspect that there is, in reality, no such thing as the average golfer. For we are all unique and ...
o, you have been playing golf for a while. Indeed, you are a member of a golf club. A real ...
It may sound sacrilegious to suggest this, but – would golf be better off with 12 holes? Stick with me ...
What is golf? It is a vicious arrangement where nature takes its revenge on hapless human beings for seemingly no ...